It has been said that Scarlett O'Hara was One.

In the name of fair play. I had decided to do a column about women this week. I thought after my two-part series about men, it was time to give women equal rights, as far as this column is concerned. When I mentioned my intentions to the women I know, it was met with the same reaction… “How can you write a column about unusual personality traits of women? We are all perfect!” Well, be that as it may, I have narrowed my thinking down to not all women, but one kind of woman…a woman born under the zodiac sign of Leo. I know a little bit about a Leo Woman, since I happen to be one along with my daughter Lynda, and my friend Georgia.

There are many things said about a Leo Woman–she is supposed to be: extravagant and have a flair for the unusual. (entertaining, being showy, etc.). She is also thought to possess a nasty temper, and she enjoys being the ruler. And some even say that she is stub- born. Now some of these things might be true about some Leo Women, but not all. I am kin<d of a dull Leo, and in some ways, my friend Georgia is more like the classic Leo Woman that you read about in books.

Let’s talk about extravagance, this is one trait that does not fit either one of us. For ex- ample, last week. Georgia and I decided to have lunch together. and after going to one of the finer restaurants in Greeley and spending $25 for lunch, we decided to shop for groceries (this is where we prove that we are devoted housewives like Cancer Women). We ‘drove from the Grocery Warehouse to the Shoppin Bag and back to Grocery Warehouse to check the prices of groceries. Now anyone who is tru ly extravagant would not have been interested enough in saving money to flnd out, that Grey Poupon Mustard is 4 cents cheaper at one store than the other. This alone disproves the rumor about extravagant Leo Women.

A flair for the unusual, this is where a dull Leo and a classic Leo woman differ. While on a wood hunting expedition last Sunday, dull Leo Liz brought refreshments (coffee and cake). and before I could pour the coffee, classic Leo Georgia presented her refreshments, which happened to be a cold bottle of champagne and four plastic glasses. The only surprise was that she didn’t bring along the crystal stem ware and caviar. Now this shows that a classic Leo Woman has a true flair for the unusual

A nasty temper and very quick to anger is one trait I can’t fully agree with either. I can’t speak for my friend or my daughter about their temper, but as for myself. I will say this one is a down-and-out lie, and I defy anyone to tell me it isn’t. I DO NOT HAVE A TEMPER!!

They also say that a Leo Woman likes to be the ruler…like the Lion in the jungle. Well. maybe I can agree a little with this one. I will admit that I like to make rules for the world to live by, and maybe I do get a little upset when things aren’t going my way, but I get over it after awhlle. I feel this is a good trait. After all. what would the world do without someone to make the rules.

Stubborn is certainly a trait that most Leo Women are not guilty of. Taurus Women have this one, hands down, on Leo Women. I have always felt that when you make the right deci- sion the first time, there is no reason to be stubborn. As I tell my friend. Taurus Jeanne,I am not stubborn and I will not move an inch toward admitting that I am as stubborn as she is.

These are only a few wonderful characteris- tics of a Leo Woman. I know there are many more that I haven’t nentioned in this column So to sum it up and make it more clear about a Leo Woman, I’ve heard that Scarlett O’Hara was a Leo woman….now that should tell you something.
