Let's Talk Serious...

The Colorado Press Association held their annual convention last week. As always, it was held at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver. The convention was kicked off with a luncheon at the Governor’s Mansion on February 20th and ended Saturday night. February 22nd with the annual banquet and dance. It is during the convention that an awards banquet is held and awards given out to newspapers and individuals for excellence in the newspaper business. It is also time to have your work critiqued by other newspaper people. The contest was judged in Austin, Texas for the 1985 entries.

Now let me tell you how rose-colored glasses fared in the contest for 1985. First let me tell you that not being notified that I had won an award for last year, all kinds of bad things were going through my mind. I had convinced myself that the judges had given me about thirty out of a possible one hundred points for my work. I had also convinced myself that they would have nothing good to say about my labor of love. In this contest it is possible to receive 50 points for “depth of material, impact and range of interest” and 50 points for “quality of writing, literary skills, ability and cleverness.” Also the judges comments can help you (if you pay attention) in your future work.

Well folks, all my fears about a low score and bad comments did not materialize. Rose-colored glasses scored 46 points in the “depth of material, etc.” and 47 points in “quality ‘ol writing. etc.” That means I scored 93 points out of a possible 100. RCG got an “A”. In 1984 I scored 80 points and won an award, last year with 93. I missed. I guess the perfect saying for a time like this is…close…but no cigar!

Needless to say. I am very pleased with the outcome of last years contest, as I was in 1984 The columns I entered for 1985 were…“City girl turns critter sitter”. “How much wood can a woodchuck-chuck?” and “Thanks for the memories”. The first two with titles that are self explanatory and the third one being about Christmas. The judge commented that she liked the “critters” and “woodcutting” columns the best. She said among other things that, “Pets appeal to lovers of both kids and animals and is well written.” She went on to say. “Have you tried your writing skills on more serious subjects?”

The only thing that I can figure out about the judge is…she must be a young, single. career woman, living in a high rise condo in the middle of the city. If she weren’t all of these things, she would know tha…critters taking up every square inch of four acres, a forgetful husband, a 1980’s vintage teenager and a seven year old who has a room that looks like the city dump, are…serious subjects
