Confessions of the everyday housewife

Six weeks. That is how long it has been since “Clark” started attending school for full days instead of half days like last year. I have had six weeks to accomplish all the things that I dreamed of doing when those days finally arrived. The days when my time was all mine from 8:30 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon. My, the sky would be the limit. with all the time in the world to do what I had been putting off all year. Well, let me tell you, six weeks have passed and I have accomplished exactly…nothing. One of the problems I have found is that I have a hard time managing all my new found freedom. I either have nothing to do for a couple of days or I have planned three different activities for the same time on the same day. After having a little kid around the house and under foot for over six years. I feel like I have been paroled for good behavior.

Let’s face it, you can do only so much house work and laundry and still keep your sanity. I find myself sitting in an easy chair and watching a lot of daytime television. I am getting hooked on “The Price is Right” and “The Newlv Wed Game”, and of course the world would come to a screeching halt if I could not watch “The Young and the Restless” at eleven o’clock every morning.

I suppose I could do things like clean the refrigerator and pantry, but what is the use, they would just get messed up again.

I go shopping as often as possible, but I have to be careful not to let shopping interfere with my favorite programs. I have to leave after twelve and be home by three in the afternoon. I must admit going shopping a couple of times a week gets a little expensive. I certainly hate to go into a perfectly good store brimming with perfectly good merchandise and not buy something. I swear I have bought at least twenty new pairs of earrings and ten bottles of fingernail polish since school started.

I suppose I could stay home and clean “Clark’s” room. I am sure “Clark’s Room” is on the EPA’s list of hazardous waste sights But…the kid has to learn responsibility and clean up his own room. Believe me, if his future record for cleaning is like his past record for cleaning. I will have to clean it up with a bulldozer after he is married anyway. So I think I will just wait another twenty years or so before taking any drastic action.

I also like to find the time to go out for lunch at a nice restaurant, with one of my friends at least once a week. This also gets a little expensive and is proving to be fattening. But I am willing to risk a couple of pounds.

I suppose I could stay home and clean the closets instead of going out for lunch but if I did that, nobody could find anything and I would probably throw away something that someone would want next year. I certainly don’t want to take a chance and mess up everyone’s life by being organized.

Then I suppose if I get bored with watching television, going shopping and going out for lunch I could do the ironing. But unfortunately. I have misplaced the ironing board in the hall closet. Oh well, so goes the days in the life of…the everyday housewife.
